Supporters of the Arts and Culture (click to see text)
As a community we benfit from having art available in our lives. We are taking a comprehensive approach to involve the "Four Arts" and "Learn - Create - Perform - Show". We love the public arts as well as individual expressions.
Our strongest influence is to be inclusive and target the underserved populatiions. We are proud our alliances are in sync with this philisophy.
We rely on grants from the Tennesse Arts Commission. We rely on the contributions and fundraising events. Our alliances with civic and private organizations is the critical ingredient in making this system work. Anyone is welcome to use the donate button at the bottom of each page. Facebook is a good source to see us in action and donate though that system.
Our Special Alliances
Our support continues to grow. Check back often to see who makes art happen in our area.
Speciality Plates
TN4Arts_ Doodle
DID YOU KNOW that your license plate could help secure and provide grants / programs for the arts across the state of TN? The TN Specialty License Plate Program was created in the 1980s to provide a dedicated revenue source for arts and cultural activities across our state.
This program along with the Tennessee Arts Commission (TAC) and Tennesseans for the Arts (TFTA) actively support local arts organizations just like ours! Now you can show your support by stopping by your county clerk’s office and purchasing your plate today. Go now to to learn more.